Sunday, December 18, 2022
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Friday, October 28, 2022
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Friday, October 14, 2022
Living in the city of Bangalore I
made a mistake by not visitng Hampi before.I checked into one of the KSTDC tour
for a few days which is called the NKT
North Karnataka tour largely due to some last minute cue and I thought it
propitious to go on the trip and never regret having taken the last minute
decision and the things that I saw at some of these places left me in awe and
spell-bound.Basically though we got to see many places Hampi and Gol Gombuz
stand out and any person around the world cannot be forgiven for not visiting
this place atleast once.
What is this place called Hampi? Hampi is a sub city in the overall design
of the city called Vijayanagar.Where is Vijayanagar? Vijayanagar is an old time
city like Bangalore which was the capital of the Vijayanagar kingdom.The city
of Vijayanagar is some twenty kilometers in radius some fifteen kilometers from
Hospet. Where is Hospet? Hospet is a modern day town in the so-called
Hyderabad-Karnataka region adjacent to the Eastern Ghat Mountains.The bus from
Bangalore goes along the Mumbai highway and turns right towards the Eastern
Ghat mountains culminating in Hospet.
Friday, September 30, 2022
Module 1:
Inference – Problems in non-experimental science – Criteria for model specification.
Module 2:
Consumer behaviour – Derivation of demand functions and theoretical restrictions –
Specification and estimation of demand functions – Elasticities – Engel curve.
Module 3:
Producer’s behaviour: Specification and estimation of production function – CobbDouglas, Translog and CES production function – Measurement of partial and total factor
Module 4:
Identification – Market model – Simple Keynesian model – Estimation and testing.
Module 5:
Economic forecasting – Methods of forecasting – Limitations.
Module 6:
Application of econometric tool in verification of selected economic topics – Wagner’s
law of public expenditure – Various methods of estimation of elasticities in taxation –
Demand for money – Inflation–output trade off – Export led growth strategy hypothesis –
Inter-relationship between fertility rate, work participation rate and family planning adoption.
Module 1: Theory of International Trade
The pure theory of international trade – Theories of absolute advantage, comparative
advantage and opportunity costs - Modern theory of international trade; Theorem of
factor price equalization; Empirical testing of theory of absolute cost and comparative
cost – Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade - Kravis and Linder theory of trade; Role of
dynamic factors, i.e., changes in tastes, technology and factor endowments in explaining
the emergence of trade; The Rybczynski theorem – Concept and policy implications of
immiserizing growth; Causes of emergence and measurement of intra-industry trade and
its impact on developing economies.
Module 2: Measurement of Gains and Theory of Interventions
Measurement of gains from trade and their distribution; Concepts of terms of trade, their
uses and limitations; Hypothesis of secular deterioration of terms of trade, its empirical
relevance and policy implications for less developed countries; Trade as an engine of
economic growth; Welfare implications – Empirical evidence and policy issues; Theory
of interventions (Tariffs, Quotas and Non Tariff Barriers); Economic effects of tariffs and
quotas on national income, output, employment, terms of trade, income distribution;
Balance of payments on trading partners both in partial and general equilibrium analysis;
The political economy of non-tariff barriers and their implications; Nominal, effective
and optimum rates of tariffs – their measurement, impact and welfare implications; Trade
under imperfectly competitive market.
Module 3: Balance of Payments
Meaning and components of balance of payments; Equilibrium and disequilibrium in the
balance of payments; Process of adjustment under systems of gold standard, fixed
exchange rates and flexible exchange rates; Expenditure-reducing and expenditureswitching policies and direct controls for adjustment; Policies for achieving internal and
external equilibrium simultaneously under alternative exchange rate regimes; A critical
review of the monetary approach to the theory of balance of payments adjustment;
Foreign trade multiplier with and without foreign repercussions and determination of
national income and output; Relative merits and demerits of fixed and flexible exchange
rates in the context of growth and development in developing countries.
Module 4: The theory of Regional Blocks
Forms of economic cooperation; Reforms for the emergence of trading blocks at the
global level; Static and dynamic effects of a customs union and free trade areas;
Rationale and economic progress of SAARC/SAPTA and ASEAN regions; Problems
and prospects of forming a customs union in the Asian region; European Union; Rise
and fall of gold standard and Bretton-Woods system; Need, adequacy and determinants
of international reserves; Conditionality clause of IMF; International Monetary System;
India and developing countries; Theory of short-term capital movements and East Asian
crisis; Functions of GATT/WTO (TRIPS/TRIMS), UNCTAD, IMF, World Bank and
Asian Development Bank – Their achievements and failures.
Module 5: Trade policies in India
Trade problems and trade policies in India during the last five decades; Recent changes in
the direction and composition of trade and their implications; Rationale and impact of
trade reforms since 1991 on balance of payments, employment and growth. Problems of
India’s international debt; Working and regulations of MNCs in India; Instruments of
export promotion and recent import and export policies and agenda for future.
Module 1: Rationale for Public Policy
Allocation of resources – Provision of public goods; Voluntary exchange models; Impossibility of
decentralized provision of public goods (contributions of Samuelson and Musgrave); Demand
revealing schemes for public goods – Tiebout model, theory of club goods; Stabilization Policy –
Keynesian case of stabilization policy; Uncertainty and expectations; Failure of inter temporal
markets; Liquidity preference; Social goals; Poverty alleviation; Provision of infrastructural
facilities, removing distributional inequalities and regional imbalances.
Module 2: Public Expenditure
Wagner’s law of increasing state activities; Wiseman-Peacock hypothesis; Pure theory of
public expenditure; Structure and growth of public expenditure; Criteria for public investment;
Social cost-benefit analysis – Project evaluation; Estimation of costs, discount rate; Reforms in
expenditure budgeting; Programme budgeting and Zero base budgeting.
Module 3: Taxation
Theory of incidence; Alternative concepts of incidence – Allocative and equity aspects of individual
taxes; Benefit and ability to pay approaches; Theory of optimal taxation; Excess burden of taxes;
Trade-off between equity and efficiency; Theory of measurement of dead weight losses; The
problem of double taxation.
Module 4: Public Debt
Classical view of public debt; Compensatory aspect of debt policy; Burden of public debt; Sources of
public debt; Debt through created money; Public borrowings and price level; Crowding out of
private investment and activity; Principles of debt management and repayment.
Module 5: Fiscal Policy
Objectives of fiscal policy – full employment, anti-inflation, economic growth, redistribution of
income and wealth; Interdependence of fiscal and monetary policies; Budgetary deficit and its
implications; Fiscal policy for stabilization – Automatic vs discretionary stabilization; Alternative
measures of resource mobilization and their impact on growth, distribution and prices; Balanced
budget multiplier.
Module 6: Fiscal Federalizm
Principles of multi-unit finance; Fiscal federalism in India; Vertical and horizontal imbalances;
Assignment of function and sources of revenue; Constitutional provisions; Finance Commission;
Devolution of resources and grants; Theory of grants; Resource transfer from Union to States –
Criteria for transfer of resources; Centre-State financial relations in India; Problems of
states’resources and indebtedness; Transfer of resources from Union and States to local bodies.
Module 1 :
Infrastructure and economic development – Infrastructure as a public good; Social and
physical infrastructure; Special characteristics of public utilities. The peak load, Off load
problem; Dual principle controversy; Economies of scale of joint supply; Marginal cost
pricing vs. other methods of pricing in public utilities; Cross subsidization – free prices,
equity and efficiency.
Module 2 :
The structure of transport costs and location of economic activities; Demand for
transport – Models of freight and passenger demand; Model choice; Cost functions in the
transport sector; Principle of pricing; Special problems of individuals modes of transport;
Inter-model condition in the Indian situation.
Module 3 :
Rate making in telephone utilities; Principles of decreasing costs in telephone industry –
Characteristics of postal services; Criteria for fixation of postal rates; Measurement of
standards of service in telephone and postal utilities.
Module 4 :
Primacy of energy in the process of economic development; Factors determining demand
for energy; Effects of energy shortages; Energy conservation, renewable and nonconventional sources of energy; Energy modeling; The search for an optimal energy
policy in the Indian context.
Module 5 :
Bulk supply and pricing of electricity – The relative economics of thermal, hydel and
nuclear power plants – The case for a National Power Grid, financing water utilities -
Urban and rural water supply; The exploitation of National Gas; Pricing problem.
Module 6 :
Organisation and financing of supply of social services; Private vs public sector
financing; Recent debate about the fixation of prices of social services; Development of
social services in the successive Indian plans.
Module 7 :
Education and economic growth; Approaches to educational planning, social demand,
rate of return and manpower balance approaches; The case for universal, free, primary
education; Structure of higher education and problems of its financing in India; Human
resources and human capital development – The issues in education policy; Health
dimensions of development - Determinants of health – Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy
and lack of information, Economic dimensions of health care – Demand and supply of
health care, Financing of health care and resource constraints - Inequalities in health –
Class and gender perspectives; Institutional issues in health care delivery.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
1. Introduction
The Investment Environment, Financial Instruments, The Securities Trading – Market &
2. Security Analysis:
Macroeconomic and Industry analysis, equity Valuation Models, Company analysis,
Brief Overview of Technical Analysis (Charts, Line Charts, Line & Volume, Charts, Point
&Figure Charts, Bar Chart, Candlestick Chart, Various Patterns, Dow Theory & Elliot
wave Theory).
3. Portfolio Theory:
Concepts of Risk & Return, Diversification of Risk, Optimum Portfolio Selection Problem
- Markowitz Portfolio Theory - Mean Variance Criteria (MVC) - MVC and Portfolio
Selection - Portfolio Selection.
4. Equilibrium in Capital Markets:
The Capital Asset Pricing Model, Index Models, Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor
Models of Risk and Return, Market Efficiency and Behavioral Finance, Empirical
Evidence on Security Returns.
5. Bond Portfolio Management :
Bond Prices and Yields, the Term structure of Interest Rates, Managing Bond Portfolios.
6. Active Portfolio Management:
Portfolio Performance Evaluation, International Diversification, The Process of Portfolio
Management, The Theory of Active Portfolio Management.
Managing Banks and Financial Institutions
1. Bank and Banking:
Permissible banking activities – Types of banks in India – Role of RBI as a regulator –
Money Market Instruments- Concept of NPA and Prudential Norms.
2. The Insurance Service
Need and importance Life and non-life insurance-Players in life and non-life insurance –
Essentials of insurance contracts – Risk appraisal and selection – Life and non-life
insurance products including unit linked plans – Role of IRDA.
3. Merchant Banking:
SEBI guidelines for merchant bankers (basic ideas) – Issue Management – Equity
issues – Rights issues – Debenture Issues – Book building – Private Placements – Pre &
Post issues activities – Raising capital from International markets: ADRs, GDRs, ECB
etc. (Basic concepts).
4. Lease and Hire purchase:
Meaning and Types of leasing – Legislative frameworks – Matters on Depreciation and
Tax – Problems on leasing – Hire Purchasing – Concepts and features – Tax and
Depreciation implications – Problems on Hire Purchasing.
5. Credit Rating :
Definition and meaning – Process of credit rating of financial instruments-Rating
methodology-Rating agencies-Rating Symbols of different companies- Role of SEBI.
6. Mutual Funds:
Concept - Types - Nature – NAV – Trends in Indian Mutual Fund Market -Regulatory
Framework and Role of SEBI.
7. Other Financial Institutions:
NBFC- Public Financial Institutions- Foreign Institutional Investors
8. Global Banking- Basel Norms:
Recent Trends
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Unit-I Introduction: International Trade, Its Importance, Theories of International Trade- Theory Comparative Costs, Classical Theory,
Absolute Advantage, Hecksher-Ohlin Theory, Free Trade V/S Protection ,Barriers To Foreign Trade, Tariff And Non-Tariff Barriers.
Unit-II Balance of Payment : Meaning Of BOP, Components Of BOP, Importance
Of BOP, Meaning Of Deficit And Surplus, Equilibrium, Disequilibrium And Adjustments, Methods Of Correcting Disequilibrium, Accounting Principles In BOP.
Unit-III Foreign Exchange Markets: Defining Foreign Exchange Market, Its Structure, Settlement System, Exchange Rate, Participants, Understanding SPOT And Forward Rates, Foreign Exchange Quotations,Premium And Discount In Forward Market, Cross Rates, Inverse Rates And Arbitrage.
Unit-IV Exchange Rate Determination: Determination Under Gold Standard And Paper Standard, Factors Affecting Exchange Rates, Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Demand And Supply Theory, Equilibrium Rate Of Exchange, Fluctuating V/S Fixed Exchange Rates, Exchange Control,Objectives Of Exchange Control
Unit-V Instruments: ADR, GDR, Euro Currencies, International Commercial Papers.
Unit-VI International Financial Institutions: Introduction To IMF, Its Importance,Functions and Significance.
Unit 1: Concept and terms of income tax: Person, Assessee, Previous year, Assessment year,Income, Casual Income, Gross Total Income, Total Income, Agricultural Income, Exempted Incomes.
Residential Status: Rules for determining residential status of Individual, HUF, Firm and Company, determination of residential status, Incidence of tax and residential status,computation of gross total income on the basis of residential status. Practical problems.
Unit II: Income from Salary: Salary, Allowances, perquisites and retirement benefits,deductions. Practical problems.
Unit III: Income from House Property: Annual Value, let out property, self occupied properties, deductions, computation of income from house property. Practical problems.
Unit IV: Income from Business: Depreciation and other permissible deductions, disallowable expenses, income and expenses of illegal business, computation of Business income.
Income from Profession: Computation of Doctors, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Civil Engineers, Practical problems.
Unit V: Introduction to GST: Definition of GST, Meaning, Need for Introduction of GST,Different Models of GST, Goods and Services Exempted from GST, Registration Process,Taxable Events, Assessee’s Liable to Pay GST (Theory only).
Skill Development Activities:
1. Prepare a list of taxes levied by local authorities in your local area/city.
2. Determination of term “salary” for different purposes, like calculation of HRA,
accommodation facility, etc.
3. Collect salary slip, (pay slip) from an employee of an organization.
4. Filing of Tax return
Introduction and key aspects of Technology Management,,Sources and types of Technology,Changing context of Technology Management,Critical factors in managing Technology.
Need assessment of Technology,Industrial analysisand technology planning,Technology choice and life-cycle,Technology acquisition and utilization,Technology forecasting.
Organizational implications of Technology,Financial aspects in Technology Management,Social issues in Technology Management,Technological change and Industrial Relations
Technologial Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment, Human aspects in Technological Management,Tecnology transfer: Licencing, Joint Venture and Alliance.
Friday, September 23, 2022
UNIT – 1
Introduction: Capital investments, types of capital investments, Phases of capital
budgeting, objectives of capital budgeting, common weakness in capital budgeting.
Generation and screening of project ideas: Tools to identify investment opportunities,
scouting for project ideas project rating index.
UNIT – 2
Market and demand analysis, technical analysis, cost of project means of finance, cost of
production, working capital requirement and its analysis. Time value for money, investment
criteria- NPV, IPR, Benefit Cost Ratio, Payback period, Project cash flow. Balance sheet and
Budgetary control.
UNIT - 3
Risk analysis: Sources measures and perspectives of Risk, discussion on different methods
of Risk analysis, like sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, break-even analysis and
decision tree analysis. Social Cost Benefit Analysis: rationale for SCABA, UNIDO
approach, Little-Mirrles‘s approach, shadow pricing, public sectors investment decision in
UNIT – 4
Project organizations: Types of project organizations structure for project management,
Human aspects in project Management. Networks Techniques in Project Management:
Development of project network, time estimation, determination of critical path. PERT Model
and CPM model. Network cost system.
UNIT – 5
Project review and administrative aspects, control of in-process projects, post completion
audit Atonement Analysis. Discussion of case studies in project management.
Friday, September 16, 2022
1. Introduction to Service Operations Management: Servitization, strategic vision of
2. Designing service processes: Fit between service processes and competitive strategy
3. Capacity and queue management I: Matching supply with demand, queueing theory
4. Capacity and queue management II: Application of queue management in services
5. Managing innovation: Deriving value from operational strength and efficiency
6. Managing expansion: Capacity planning and interplay of capacity with other corporate
7. Outsourcing services: To analyze risks and benefits of outsourcing service to clients
8. User centered design: Concept of user-centered design of service as opposed to
traditional market research and design
9. Customer participation: Managing operating role of customers and the opportunities
10. Customer economics and retention: Understanding customer economics and defining
customer acquisition and retention strategies
11. Revenue management I: Introduction to revenue management and practice in services
12. Revenue management II: Pricing and application to airlines industry
13. Employee management Process of developing workforce capability in hotel business
ERP-Introduction; Advantages; ERP and Business – value creation; Integrated Information
Management; Enterprise and ERP, Business modeling; Integrated data model . To ERP or
not to ERP – Strategic Options; Benefits of ERP: Quantifiable, Intangible; P&G; Risks:
People, process, Technology, Implementation, Operational and Managerial
risks.IIntroduction to ERP related technologies; Functional modules of ERP software.;
Implementation of ERP: Life cycle; Implementation methodologies, transition
strategies;People involved in implementation; Success and failure in implementation –
factors. Operation and Maintenance of an ERP system.;
Thursday, September 15, 2022
These three places in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka state was always a matter of confusion for me and I decided to solve this confusion by visiting these places myself. I have travelled upto Murdeshwar and was curious about what lay ahead. I take a holiday once in six months a very short stint at some place of interest.
I called up a hotel in Gokarna almost got an instant hotel reservation and was worried about the weather but forecasts for the weather were not bad and I decided to make my short spurt and found a VOLVO bus almost ready for departure at the Majestic bus stand and got into it. I was told the bus would traverse through Shimoga, Sagar, Siddapura ,Sirsi, Kumta to Gokarna.
After some time I occupied the special seat adjacent to the driver and was chatting with him till Shimoga and I thought it time to take a nap and almost early morning woke up at Sirsi and thereafter went back to the seat beside the driver for the rest of the journey through what is called a State Highway 69. I was wearing an NIT Calicut jacket which protected me from the cold in these areas. From Sirsi through narrow roads laced with rivers and rivulets and almost meagre sign of population around I was chatting with the driver who was manning the bus through a road rid with pot-holes through this entire stretch. These VOVO buses have to praised for its speed ,ease of control and its ability to withstand very bad road conditions. Some seventy kilometres from Sirsi the bus intercepts the ARABIAN COASTAL ROAD a road that for all practical purposes runs alongside the Arabian Sea coast sometimes almost touching the sea and at times distancing itself from the sea. At many places it is four lane.
At Kumta I had breakfast at the hotel in the bus stand and thereafter the bus proceeds to Gokarna. Note a very important point. From Sirsi to Gokarna it is not mandatory to be at Kumta. You can directly go to Gokarna by turning right at the Junction on the ACR(Arabian Coastal Road). KSRTC buses come to Kumta as a matter of procedure set in the rules.
From Kumta the bus proceeds to Gokarna. Some kilometres ahead the bus leaves the highway and turns left into a road which resembles a simple city road some ten feet in width and bus travels through river beds and some twenty kilometers ahead is Gokarna. Gokarna has the Mahabaleshwar temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Gokarna Beach
Every thing said and done I liked this place called Gokarna. Friendly people with excellent eat outs all around. I had a stroll down the road to the Mahabaleshwar temple and down the road is the beach. The beach at Gokarna is small may be some hundred meters in all with very attractive surroundings.
Something about these places Kumta, Sirsi and Gokarna. SIRSI is not a coastal town but a place like Madikeri or Sringeri in the bosom of the Western Ghat mountains some seventy kilometers from the Arabian coast. KUMTA is a city on the Arabian coast on the Arabian Coastal Road some sixty kilometres north of Bhatkal and Murudeshwar.
What is GOKARNA ? Gokarna is a temple town adjacent to the Arabian sea some twenty five kilometers from the Arabian Coastal Road and some say forty kilometers from Kumta. These distances I mention may not be perfectly accurate but roughly so. GOKARNA is on the Arabian sea beach. Sirsi is a town on the Western Ghat mountains...Kumta is town like Kundapur close to the sea and adjacent to the Arabian Coastal Road.