Many people have asked me why I chose to study Engineering. Some where the fact of the matter is that I always had some passion for Electrical Engineering and Engineering in general and always feel happy at my stint at the Engineering school and the challenges it posed. I only aspire that the strategic posture of an Engineering institute be more refined and wholesome in some form.
But some where there is a man in the background in my case who served as a motivation for me to study at an engineering school. He is C S S Rao who use to be the Managing director of the Indian Telephone Industries at the time I was studying my pre-university course. Every morning as I set out of my house I chanced to see his limousine fly-past the main road with Mr. Rao firmly perched in the rear with an august appearance sometimes reading a news paper. His stern appearance and countenance witnessed by me almost every day left a lasting impression and I said to myself if this is what an engineering graduate could become well I am very much for it.
Mr C S S Rao was one of the better of the MD's of ITI in my opinion and must have been some kind of an expert at manufacturing. I happenned to see his photograph in the billiards parlour of the ITI officers club much later.