Thursday, October 6, 2011


Many people have asked me why I chose to study Engineering. Some where the fact of the matter is that I always had some passion for Electrical Engineering and Engineering in general and always feel happy at my stint at the Engineering school and the challenges it posed. I only aspire that the strategic posture of an Engineering institute be more refined and wholesome in some form.

But some where there is a man in the background in my case who served as a motivation for me to study at an engineering school. He is C S S Rao who use to be the Managing director of the Indian Telephone Industries at the time I was studying my pre-university course. Every morning as I set out of my house I chanced to see his limousine fly-past the main road with Mr. Rao firmly perched in the rear with an august appearance sometimes reading a news paper. His stern appearance and countenance witnessed by me almost every day left a lasting impression and I said to myself if this is what an engineering graduate could become well I am very much for it.

Mr C S S Rao was one of the better of the MD's of ITI in my opinion and must have been some kind of an expert at manufacturing. I happenned to see his photograph in the billiards parlour of the ITI officers club much later.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


William Fredrick Easterbrook was my first Principal at the Lowry Memorial School. This man somewhere is something special to me. As the principal he used to present himself every morning at the gate of the school shaking hands with students who made entry and I happened to do the same as a boy of hardly five years of age with Mr. Easterbrook. An everlasting impression of his lasts in my mind.

I was on a trail for many years If I could in some way get in touch with him just for the sake of possibly reminiscing bygone days and happenned to even contact very many people on this count with no success and on pursuing certain web sites found his name to my disenchantment in the obituary listing of "Pedlar Funeral Home " in Ontario Canada and presumably this honorable man had passed in 2005. I even happened to communicate with Jim Pedlar the owner of the home if he could give me the contact details of the family of Mr. Easterbrook which met with no success.

From the inscriptions in the obituary column I gathered that after his stint in India Mr. Easterbrook had served in Pakistan as an educational administrator. There is definitely a link between me and a possible considerable number of people in Pakistan - Mr. William Fredrick Easterbrook from Ontario Canada.

Below is a link which has aphotograph of Mr. W F Easterbrook