Monday, April 9, 2012


Every child wants to study in a professional school and every parent wants to send his son or daughter to such a school  and  by professional education we mean  courses like Engineering , Medicine or Management.

What is the typical characteristic of a professional school....point 1  the education is long dawn meaning that it takes several years..point 2 there are several subjects....and point 3 the courses are compact meaning that there are frameworks like the semester or trimester.

Students undergoing such courses face several pit-falls and scares and challenges but once they emerge from such institutions have under their belt a formidable education and experience which could be applied in the times to come. But however any one reading this write-up for whatever reasons must be largely influenced ina positive way about the training provided at such places and how to encounter it.

To my observation professional education does not demand high IQ ..the paradox is that though entry tests may demand a high IQ   the day to day demands at such institutions demand application as against IQ.. This is the contrast ..the confusion and the irony of professional training and trapped somewhere is the possibility of students landing up with back logs or pending papers in spite of being good , capable and professional.

This problem will be further augmented  if  teachers of such schools are not subjected to periodic appraisals regarding their ability to teach which is a serious folly and also various other hygiene factors of the institute and environment.

As always let me summarize with the following six  points;

1. Students who embark on such courses should know that  +APPLICATION IS MORE IMPORTANT than intelligence in such courses+.

2.  It is a mistake if faculty of such institutes are not subjected to appraisal in some form about their ability to teach.

3.Never impose laws that prevent students from advancing through the semesters just because they have some back-logs..let the students complete the course and thereafter clear the back-logs.

4. Make attendance also as one of the major yard-sticks in promoting students or passing them in subjects.

5. Always stock libraries with mainstream as well as non-mainstream books.. Mainstream books are the prescribed ones and non-mainstream books are simplified books written by less accustomed authors but never the less simplifies subjects.

6. The system , parents and environment must help children with back-log and provide support for them to clear the pending subjects with a constructive attitude.

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