Sunday, January 19, 2025


India as a country is self-sufficient in the area of Electrical Power to my understanding and power situation is much better than what it used to be few decades ago , largely due to the creation of the POWER GRID CORPORATION  which is a national grid that supplies power between states ,largely drawing power from surplus states and sharing it with places where there is power deficit so much so that any power generation facility in the country can service any state in the country.

The same mechanisim must be duplicated with regards to water creating a NATIONAL WATER GRID.There might be water crisis in the country during certain months of the year and also a short supply.

Some five years back I was walking through Esplanade in Kolkata where I saw water outlets on the road with gushing water with a voluminous flow rate and I was told that these facilities supply water  24/7  around the year.The concept is to create such a network pan-india which would be immune to seasons and also could provide input water for the water bottling industry which to my understanding draws ground water for bottling.

Water issues existed in Bangalore since time immemorial where in the distant past many lakes were dug every few kilometers which would give both ground water and harvested water from the rains.Fifty years back we had ground water at 30 ft but now on an average must be around 300ft which shows depletion in ground water levels.

The earliest attempt to pump water into the city of Bangalore was undertaken by the British who pumped water into the Cantonment area from the Tippagondanahalli  reservoir in the Magadi hills.To my understanding  this has been augmented by water supplies from the Cauvery river which is fairly distant from the city.The present day world has a active bottled water industry which supplies potable water on-demand in the retail chain.

There could be some kind of a water deficit situation in the future .To my understanding mean time between rains in the country could be some one month and a half which could have a more severe impact during the summer months due to heat and evaporation.Any issue of this kind can be solved locally but the ideal situation is to create a NATIONAL WATER GRID  which could fill up drying rivers and other key water bodies..the water ideally being drawn from the Seas.

India as a country is blessed with the sea on three sides.A city like  Kolkata can draw water from the Hoogly river which is perennial and an extension of the Ganges river because of the water inputs from the Himalayas. The idea on one side is to make rivers in South India perennial and also provide water to door steps  around the year and round the clock in a abundant and gushing fashion..water which is both potable and can be used for generic purposes.

The idea is to create a National Water Grid  which is activated from water from the Sea.Using both the support of Gravitation and  pumping technology cleansed and desalinated water from the seas must find its way through every corner of the country.How such a system can be created must be deliberated by Water specialists.

The issue of water can be of concern in the future.Using pumping systems would be costly and energy demanding;but a national grid should be created like what we have with electrical power to respond to any water demands any time of year with ease and responsiveness.

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