Friday, July 27, 2012

Beggary and Bangalore

Whilst being a student at the National Law School of India University I was once invited to a conference on Beggary by Mr. Japhet of the university. I presented myself on the day of its occurrence with diligence and found a bunch of distinguished law makers and representatives of the police force and the duration of this exercise extending into one full day and was drawn largely into participating in the proceedings and listening to wide variety of discussions headed by Mr. Pandey.

If one were to walk or stroll through the main Bangalore bus station you find beggary in various forms and natures and not a exciting thing for the inhabitants of this city and largely deplorable that enlightened passers by do not give a second thought to the affairs of this kind. Education has failed in itself to sensitize people to social settings. The concerned agencies of this city must brainstorm with the help of supporting networks to make all parts of Bangalore a zone free of such maladies not by using methods that are far from human considerations but from approaches that are people friendly and humane. If every citizen of this city were to contribute one rupee on a monthly basis much can be done to make this city a more adorable and respected one in the eyes of the world at large.

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