Thursday, March 31, 2011


I enrolled for a M.Phil course at the Alagappa University through one of its sourcing centers in Bangalore in the area of International Business and had some good learning experience largely having an oppurtunity to study Statistics a subject which I wanted to get some idea for long. Through the support center which  did  a professional job I got some theoretical support on the subjects in the course at the Jyoti Nivas College through contact sessions.

 What impressed me the most was my visit to the University itself having a difficult time at finding out where the place called Karaikudi existed and learned that it was two hours drive from Trichy. I booked into one of the delux bus from Bangalore to Trichy and thereafter took another bus to Karaikudi towards the eastern coast of India. My stay at karaikudi was not pleasant so to say and I found people and public less co-operative to an outsider by a more prevalent incisive behaviour. The University has an impressive main building and a long stretch of road with many departments on the either side. At the university I found the staff at many places curt and rude to my dismay. The evaluation process at the University is strict with certain slabs at the lower end of the scale and marks were  given only within this range. I came to know that the Hon. Home Minister of India Shri Chidambaram hails from this place. 

 I  have respect for this University and only hope that the University would focus on becoming more student friendly and Karaikudi more people friendly especially to an outsider and provide a more pleasing disposition for students who come to the place for learning.

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