Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Should we re-model the SSB ?

I have always wondered "What is the most important aspect of societies ?"..clearly it is the ability to innovate from time to time and solve problems and uncertainty. Human beings are different from other species only through the skill and ability of Innovation. Note that Innovation is a logical ability and involves various kinds of cognitive complexities and information processing.

There are four skills in the human domain. efficiency ; responsiveness ; Innovation and Quality. Any human being can be characterized as being dominant or dormant on some or many of these fronts. When a person is put to work he works with these skills or qualities. Efficiency is the ability to balance outputs in relation to inputs..Responsiveness is the ability to react to situations within acceptable time frames..Quality is the conformance to higher standards and Innovation is the renewed way in which a work can be done. With time innovation is a key driver of the other three forces.

I had been to an SSB Service Selection Board of the Military and find Engineering graduates being subjected to a testing procedure which appears to be archaic and modeled on the British format in vogue more than half a century ago. Note that in the British system possibly Indian's were only considered for low level posts and the higher ones largely kept for the British themselves with some exceptions but the percentage of Indians in the higher echelons would have been infinitesimal. May be these procedures are still valid in selecting soldiers and related disciplines but might be becoming in-congruent for engineering and related disciplines of a technology kind. Very precisely said Innovative people who could add to the quality , responsiveness and efficiency of the Services don't get some  place. Definitely the testing procedure is not slated where people with a dominant strategic dimension would find a place. It is largely strategy through which any warfare works and Wars are Strategy dominant.

I read in the news-papers that the Defence establishments of India are plagued by a deficit of man-power and may be it is time a re-look is done at the SSB at-least for the products of our Engineering institutes so that some new format in line with those practiced by the world is created by which Innovation dominant people too find some place to support the overall work done in this sector.

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